Hyper-grace is no Grace

Hyper-grace is no Grace

It seems that in recent years, and it was hardly evident in the evangelicalism in which I grew up, a teaching has taken hold which emphasizes the grace of God to the exclusion of other vital teachings such as repentance and confession of sin. Indeed the teachers of hyper-grace maintain that all sin, past, present, […]

Delusion of seeking happiness

Delusion of seeking happiness

We all want to be happy surely? Isn’t it reasonable and completely normal for Christians in the 21st century to want to enjoy the Christian life and find it a source of happiness? Even the United States Declaration of Independence set the nation on the pursuit of happiness above much else, saying.. We hold these […]

Orthodox Way of Prayer – Moorlands Lecture

Orthodox Way of Prayer – Moorlands Lecture

Good morning to you all. My name is Peter Farrington, and I am a graduate of Moorlands Bible College. I think I finished my three years of study here in 1988. I completed the Moorlands Diploma and then stayed to take the Advanced Diploma in Mission Studies. I am from an evangelical background in the […]

Orthodox Way of Prayer – Silence

Orthodox Way of Prayer – Silence

It is in silence that the first signs of the life of prayer reveal themselves. The Spirit of God does not force Himself upon us. He is gentle as a dove. When the Lord told Moses that He would appear to him we read that He was not in the wind, nor in the earthquake, […]

Orthodox Catechesis – Part 1

Orthodox Catechesis – Part 1

Where is the best place to begin a description of the Orthodox Christian life and faith? There are several possibilities. Some have taken a theological perspective and have set out to detail all of the different Orthodox doctrines or teachings of the Church. Others have taken a more historical perspective and have described the teachings […]

A Spiritual Journey into Orthodoxy

A Spiritual Journey into Orthodoxy

I was born into a Protestant family. My parents were committed and devout evangelical Christians, and they brought me up to be active in my faith, and in the Christian community to which we belonged. I was part of a congregation of the Plymouth Brethren. We were part of the Open Brethren, not the Exclusive […]